Alina Cenal Cuba: My Return
James Donlon Fish, Acrobats
The Chameleons Dot n' Bob, Umbrellas, Heart Piece
Lorin Eric Salm Elevator Ups and Downs, Seasons
Michael Hays T-Rex
Dean Evans Exploding Joe, The Organism That Almost Died But Then Didn't
Fri. 9/13 8pm Sat. 9/14 3pm
Fri. 9/20 8pm Sat. 9/21 3pm
Run time: 68 Minutes
No Intermission
Michael Hays The Stairs
Dean Evans Spacelab 2030
The Chameleons Phantom 309, Margaret & Fred
Lorin Eric Salm Table for Two for One
Estela Garcia Remedios Varo: Celestial Pabulum
James Donlon Tongue, Pipe Dreams
Zackery Mondin & Rodolphe Le Feuvre* The Precipice
David Guerra Ode to Dolores y César
Sat 9/14 7pm
Sun 9/15 3pm Sat 9/21 7pm
Run time: 75 Minutes
No Intermission
*Performing in week one shows only
Billy the Mime The History of Art, Thomas Jefferson & Sally Hemings: A Night at Monticello
The Chameleons Blow Up Doll, The Jesus Piece
(featuring Gideon Berger)
Dean Evans Mo-Cap Actor
Michael Hays Roy the Toxic Boy
James Donlon & Alina Cenal Tomorrow is Today,
Berta & Wilfredo
Run time: 65 Minutes
No Intermission
Sat. 9/14 8:30pm
This show is strongly recommended for adults ages 18+